OCM guide social media

Oracle Content Management Social Media Posting Guide

Getting Started with Ayrshare for Oracle Content Management


Congratulations on selecting Ayrshare, the leading social media publishing API platform to complement your Oracle Content Management (OCM) subscription.

This guide explains how to configure your OCM product to let you publish content to your company’s social media accounts.

As part of your Ayrshare subscription, you have a white-glove implementation available. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like an implementation specialist to configure Ayrshare and OCM on your behalf. If you prefer to do the setup yourself, please follow the instructions below.


Before you can start posting content to social media networks, you need to create your Ayrshare account and configure OCM.

Step 1: Set up Ayrshare account

Go to app.ayrshare.com and create a new account. Choose “Sign in with email” and use the email address associated with the primary user.

One you are logged in, go to the API Key section, and note your API Key. You can always come back to this page if you want to find your API Key in the future.

api key

Step 2: Link your social media accounts in Ayrshare

Go to the Social Accounts section. Click on each social network that you want to connect. Each social network will ask you for permission to connect, which you can accept.

You will see “Linked” and your profile image on each tile that you have connected.


Step 3: Set up a new Asset type in OCM

In the OCM Administration section, go to the Content section. Select Asset Types, and click the Create button.

asset type

You will add 4 data fields to the Content Type Definition.

OCM data fields

It is important to use the exact field names that are in this guide for the integration to work correctly. Capitalization is disregarded, but the spelling must match.

Post Text Single Yes Appearance of data field = Text Area
Media Media Multiple No Appearance of data field = Media Picker

Select media = Images and Videos

Check All digital asset types
Date Date Single No Appearance of data field = Date/Time Picker
Platforms Text Multiple Yes Appearance of data field = Checkboxes

Enter the Options for the social networks that you linked in Step 2 above.

Acceptable values are: "facebook", "fbg", "twitter", "linkedin", "instagram", "youtube", "reddit", "telegram", "gmb", "pinterest", or "tiktok"

See below example image.
OCM social platforms

Step 4: Create a Publishing Channel in OCM

In the Administration -> Content section of OCM, create a new Publishing Channel. You can name it something like “Ayrshare Social Publishing Channel”.

Step 5: Create a Asset Repository in OCM

In the Administration -> Content section of OCM, create a new Repository. You can select the Asset Type you created in Step 3, and the Channel you created in Step 4. You can name it something like “Ayrshare Repository”.

Step 6: Add the Ayrshare Webhook

In the Administration -> Integrations section of OCM, create a new Webhook. Select “Asset Publishing Webhook” as the type when prompted.

As you can see in the image below, give it a name, select the Publishing Channel from Step 4, and enter the below Target URL. In the Authentication section, select Header, an add details as per the image below. The key is "Authorization" and the value is "Bearer YOURAPIKEY". Remember to add the word "Bearer" and a space before your API Key which you copied in Step 1 above.


OCM webhook settings
OCM Auth

Step 7: Send Channel Token

The last step is to send your OCM channel token to Ayrshare. Before your posts can go live on the social networks, you need to create a post, and publish it to Ayrshare to find your channel token.

You can find the channel token in the Administration -> Content -> Publishing Channels section. Click the channel you created and then expand the right panel and select the API tab.

OCM channel token

Copy this channel token and send it to your Ayrshare representative or [email protected].


Once the setup is complete, you can post to your linked social media accounts.

In OCM, go to the Assets section and ensure that your new Repository that was created in Step 5 is active.

Create a new content item of the type you created in Step 3.

Fill out the details of the social media post. Add the post body text, media assets if applicable, scheduled date and time if applicable, and platforms.

Add a channel, which should be the one you created in Step 4.

You can click Publish to validate the post, and then click Publish to send the post to the social networks

OCM social post

Some Tips

  • If you pass additional fields since you use the same content with other channels, the Ayrshare system will disregard them. This should not impact the social media posts.
  • You can add additional fields that are specific to certain social networks. For example, for YouTube you will need to add title and visibility fields. You can contact Ayrshare support to get more information on social network-specific fields.
  • Certain social networks require a media asset. For example, Instagram will not take a text-only post. You can see any errors in the Ayrshare dashboard in the Posts section.
  • If you do not send a date/time then the post will be published to the social networks immediately.
  • If your image is not shown in the live social media post, it may be because the image was previously processed by OCM. Try uploading the image as a new asset from your computer when you create the post.

Managing Posts

To see the status of published posts, check the Ayrshare dashboard at app.ayrshare.com in the Posts section.
Also from this dashboard, you can see the history of your posts and delete posts if needed.