Pinterest API
Options for posting using the Pinterest API
Posting an Image Pin to Pinterest
Pinterest requires an image to be included in the post. Other parameters are optional.
: The description of the pin. Maximum 500 characters.title
: The title of the pin to display. This appears in the “Add your title” section of a new pin. Maximum 100
: The clickthrough link URL when the image is clicked. Maximum 2048 characters.boardId
: Post to another one of the user’s Pinterest Boards by specifying the ID obtained from the /user/details endpoint. Otherwise post to the default linked board.
See Pinterest Media Guidelines for more information.
Posting a Video Pin to Pinterest
A video may be posted as a Pin using the standard mediaUrls
field in the /post endpoint. Additionally, a thumbnail image URL must be included with the video. Please see requirements.
Additional information on posting Pins using the API.
If your video doesn’t end in a known video extension such as mp4, please use the isVideo
parameter. See the /post endpoint for details.
Pinterest Image Carousel
Post up to five images as a Pinterest carousel. By adding more than one media URL, a carousel is automatically created. You can also add in optional carousel parameter. Please see below.
The optional carouselOptions
field takes an array of objects. Each carousel object corresponds to the equivalent media URL string, e.g. the first carousel object refers to the first mediaUrl
: The image
: The external destination link for the image.description
: The image description.
Alternative Text
Add alternative text, also known as alt text, to a Pinterest image or video. Pinterest alt text is an accessibility feature used for additional user info and screen readers.
Use the altText
in the pinterestOptions
The alt text is limited to 500 characters.
Pinterest Mentions
While you can add a @handle to a Pinterest post, Pinterest does not support resolving mentions in the post text. The @handle will remain as plain text.