The Ayrshare Blog
Are you looking to retrieve all your social media posts programmatically using an API?…
In the ever-changing landscape of social media platforms, Bluesky is emerging as a promising…
In this video we use the Make no-code app building system and the Ayrshare…
HTTP Compression in Node.js: A Dive into Gzip, Deflate, and Brotli
To celebrate that the wonderful NPM package compression just added Brotli in version 1.8.0, we’ve written this article to review compression: the different types of HTTP compression, why use compression for an API, and how to implement it in Node.js. We also look at analytics on the common compression algorithms Deflate, Gzip, and Brotli. Introduction…
Build a Social Media Posting App with No Code
Watch this tutorial video to build your own social media posting web app. This video uses the Bubble.io no-code app building platform and the Ayrshare Bubble plugin. All you need is an Ayrshare API Key and you can make your…
How to Query for Non-Existent Fields in Firestore
As developers working with Firebase’s Firestore database, we often encounter situations where we need to query for documents that don’t have a particular field. It should be simple, right? Well, unfortunately, this seemingly simple task is more challenging than expected.…
5 Tips for Great Developer API Docs
So, you’ve built a phenomenal API, but if your documentation reads like a tax manual, even the bravest developers will flee. Or worst, it is incomplete or has mistakes…ouch! Clear and concise API documentation is the cornerstone of a successful…
Ayrshare Messaging API for Facebook, Instagram, and X/Twitter
In the world of digital marketing, apps and platforms are always seeking new tools to enhance their user engagement on their platforms. For years, Ayrshare has offered the industry leading social media API for scheduling posts, retrieving analytics, and managing…
User Profile Tagging in Ayrshare
In this video, we show how to tag user profiles in Ayrshare. This is a great feature to segment your users directly in Ayrshare. You can use the tags to filter in the Ayrshare web dashboard and build custom workflow…
Understanding the Ayrshare Auto-Schedule API Endpoint
Ayrshare offers post scheduling to all the social networks via an API, which is one of the most used capabilities of the system. The lesser known auto-schedule API endpoint can take your scheduling to the next level. The auto-schedule endpoint…
Why Do I Have to Test Your Code? (The 5-Minute Sniff Test)
If you can’t spend 5 minutes testing your work, then don’t make me. I’ve spent 18 years in the software engineering industry, and have been called a programmer, then a developer, and now a software engineer — next is “delivery…
The Top 5 Chakra UI Tips and Tricks for React Developers
Chakra UI is a popular component library for building customizable React applications. It provides a solid foundation of reusable UI components that allow you to rapidly create polished, professional-looking interfaces. Here at Ayrshare, we recently rewrote our social media dashboard…
Get Public Social Media Analytics, A No Code Tutorial Video
In this video, we show you how to get public social media analytics like the follower counts for two major stars on Facebook, Instagram, and X. This lets us answer the question, “Who is more popular on social media, U2…